ScouseVeg Jukebox: Venusian

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What is the Liverpool sound nowadays ? Because of the blending of cultures, the new sounds, such as with the subject of today’s Jukebox is one with many variations and is very experimental…

Venusian are a Liverpool based modern trip-hop duo. Yashashwi Sharma and John Pearson have performed in the UK and India, with their music appearing in independent movies in London and commercials on international TV. Comprising of gloomy downtempo beats with keyboards and powerful, evocative vocals, to date, Venusian have released three albums: Patterns in the Ivy (2012), The Flight of the Flamingo OST (2013) and Wolf Track Mountain (2014).

“A touch of the avant garde offset with a gloom bordering on unsettling – a little like a Tarantino movie soundtracked by Bjork. . . in a state of raw, yet mailable, beauty” ~Peter Guy, Liverpool Echo

Venusian are being featured here on ScouseVeg not just because they are from Liverpool, but also because the band members, John and Yashashwi are both vegan. They believe in animal rights and this is reflected in their music:

Lyrically, our music is about the diversity of life on earth, the nature of our planet and universe, contrasted with the suffering and darkness that we create within it. Human emotions like greed, hatred and our unforgiving nature are destroying everything innocent; but at the same time there is love, which tries to preserve and grow what is around us. Musically, we turn natural and organic sounds [the sounds of rainfall, water, animals] against dark industrial beats; so it’s like hearing heavy machines cutting through the jungle. We try to incorporate elements of cultural folklore and Buddhist chants in our music, but focus heavily on the unsettling truth of the pain that so many beings go though; we don’t want to look away from that.

Their music is haunting and transcendent. It will drag you in.
I spent a good few hours going through their YouTube channel.

Here are a few releases to give you an idea of their sound.

– Plutonic:

– Kepler वेनुशन – केप्लर

You get the Bjork thing the Echo reviewer was saying above. Very unsettling and dark. I love it.

– Minutes too late:

Go and have a listen yourself via Soundcloud.
I would also highly recommend their Bandcamp page.

They have some more new music coming soon.

Social media:


ScouseVeg Jukebox: Emaline Delapaix

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Just added to the Jukebox:

Emaline Delapaix

Emaline Delapaix

Emaline is an Australian who lives in Berlin and is vegan.

She has a new EP out and is touring, stopping in Merseyside next month.

 Her veganism: 

“I am vegan for the animals, for my health and for the environment. I am against all kinds of violence and try to educate and inform people gently about veganism through my music, the choices I make and the organizations and businesses I support.”

An excerpt from an interview she gave to The Trendy Vegan this year:

What inspires you? About what do you write?

“I write about love just like most songwriters do but I also try to write about the darker sides of life like depression (which I suffered from terribly until I changed my life and became a full time musician/vegan) as well as travel, nature, animal rights and a lot more.”

It can be challenging to following a vegan diet. Do you do any of your own gardening?

“I have a small indoor/window garden. This ​past ​year I have planted 3 types of tomatoes, spinach, lettuce, kohlrabi, Swiss chard and cucumbers so far and of course loads of herbs. I began foraging a lot this year and made my own honeys/syrups out of dandelion and red clover and collect a lot of nettle, dandelion leaves for salads, stews and stir fry. In a few weeks I will be collecting elderberries for syrup and quince for marmalade. I also make my own raw almond milk and apple sauce from local apple trees.”

 Her music: 

Emaline Delapaix - picEmaline spends a lot of time writing intense and thought-provoking folk pop for piano, acoustic guitar, celtic harp and sometimes whatever else she has lying about the place. Some say she sounds a little like Kate Bush or Tori Amos, but she also loves a lot of Scandinavian music: music that invokes the weather like storms and warm sunsets. In 2010 Emaline moved from Toronto Canada to an isolated fixed caravan in rural Eastern Germany close to the Polish border where she lived for a year and a half before finally settling in Berlin. Since that time she has performed over 300 shows all over Germany, Europe, Australia and Canada, creating a dedicated following and becoming well known for her raw and passionate live performances.

☛ Here is here latest EP, which you can download via Bandcamp:

 Exorcism is the second EP in a set of four handmade EP’s, one for each season. Includes exorcism taken from the upcoming full length release and a handful of non album tracks and an acoustic mix. Signed, numbered, limited edition of 250 copies. 
 Live Date: 

Emaline Delapaix will be appearing at the Wirral Arts Centre on Saturday October 10th.

Tickets are only £8 and available now.

Wirral Arts Center
29 Brookfields Avenue,
West Kirby CH48 4AL
Map/directions (Nearest station: West Kirby)

☛ Something from Emaline’s back catalogue added to the Jukebox.
The title track from her EP released in 2012: Between Breeding Seasons


The Vegan Roadshow

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Upcoming Event: The Fat Gay Vegan is the organizer of the ongoing Vegan Roadshow and there will be a stop next month at Maguire’s Pizza Bar:

The Vegan Roadshow

 Vegan Roadshow feat. Love Like Hate (AUS)
Maguire’s Pizza Bar
Liverpool United Kingdom  

July 27th

Love Like Hate are a dark pop duo that has temporarily escaped their hometown of Brisbane, Australia in order to play a select number of shows around the UK.

Music website Louder Than War wrote of the band:

“Great band name, great record sleeve, there’s a bit of a buzz about Love Like Hate in Australia at the moment and it’s pretty easy to see why. They have a brand of pop that is both catchy and slightly off kilter and it’s nice.

The female duo of Heather Cheketri and Sonja Ter Horst make appealing noises which are a hundred times better than the majority of the trite in the charts and clearly have an ear for a catchy tune or two.”

As part of Vegan Roadshow, Love Like Hate are touring the country with blogger and event planner Fat Gay Vegan. Each stop of the tour will feature a merchandise and information desk by activist group Animal Equality.

Vegan pizza is available from Maguires before the show.

This is a powerhouse indie pop show with a twist.

Listen to live music and support an independent Australian band on only their second ever UK tour.

» Buy tickets in advance (only a fiver!)

» Love Like Hate on Bandcamp

Reviving the ScouseVeg Jukebox

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For reasons I can’t remember now, the ScouseVeg Jukebox (aka music category) stopped. But it is being revived.

Liverpool Pride 2013

Because we are Liverpool it is inevitable that there would be music. Because we are ScouseVeg it’s obvious that it will have a veggie/vegan angle. It’s not always going to be Liverpool/veggie/music, but it will always be the last two.

We like to help any local artists, so if you are a veggie/vegan musician in Liverpool give us a shout.

All music posted on the website will gathered together so you can listen to them again on the Jukebox Player.

Now then to start us off, we need to find a musician who is from Liverpool and is vegetarian… hmmm…

Oh and of course:

Niki And Ray On The Radio

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A local radio DJ made a New Years resolution to eat two vegetarian meals a week and Niki, along with her Dad went popped into the BBC Radio Merseyside drivetime show to help Simon Hoban get started…

Below you can hear or download Niki and Ray’s appearance on the show, as well as read the transcript of their Friday (6th Feb) evening appearance.

Before the show Niki made Simon one of her legendary curries and those of you who have tasted these know…. Listen on:

[audio:] » Download/embed



[SIMON HOBAN] Oh we’ve got food coming into the studio and I like that fact.
It’s a Friday night and you might have heard earlier in the week one of my New Years rezzies, err was to try and eat two vegetarian meal, err a week which was part of a you know cut down on the old red meat thing and try and eat a bit more healthfully. So who better to encourage me to to do that and to provide culanary inspiration than Liverpool vagan Niki O’Leary who runs scouseveg dot co dot uk and her Dad Ray, hello to you both.

[NIKI O’LEARY] Hello ! (giggles)

[SIMON] Thanks to you both for coming in…

[NIKI] You’re welcome

[SIMON] Scouseveg dot co dot uk and that’s a website I’ve not been to yet and what’s on there ? What would I find on there then ?

[NIKI] Err ooh gosh a whole host of information, errm details about anything that’s relevent in the news at the moment about going veggie or vegan… places to eat in Liverpool, if you are veggie or vegan…

[SIMON] Are there many ?

[Niki] Err… there’s quite a few yeah, it’s getting much better.

[SIMON] Is the egg place ? Egg Cafe ?

[NIKI] Yeah the Egg Cafe is fully veggie, erm and there’s lots of restaurants on there that cater well for veggies and vegans.

[SIMON] Ok… so I’m saying this rapth (?) cos I wanna do it for health reasons – is it going to help me in terms of my overall health to try and have two veggie meals a week ?

[RAY O’LEARY] Yeah certainly it’s erm… its a start. I mean vegetarians and vegans it’s a journey anyway. Err it doesn’t have to be severe overnight, err thing that you take on…err so

[SIMON] You wean yourself onto it then ?

[RAY] Yeah… I mean all of the, the less meat you eat you obviously have less saturated fat in your body. Err… a vegetarian diet is proven to be – to reduce obesity, err which is a problem these days anyway, it also erm… when we go vegetarian, you know when you look into vegetarianism, you do tend to look at your food a bit more… and you tend to try things out. You tend to cook your food more. You tend to eat less processed food, which is a good thing of course – and that’s great for your health.

[SIMON] Yeah, yeah… because I am always wary of, you know, these slices of ham you get in a packet, they just can’t be you know they’re pumped full of water for a start aren’t they ?

[RAY] Well that’s right.

[NIKI] Yeah yeah – and all the ready meals that you know, people seem to be buying these days.. full of sugar, salt excetera…

[SIMON] Well I tell you what I did I went out and bought and I don’t know what I can do with these yet – I bought some red lentils, some yellow split peas and some pearl barley.

[NIKI] Right that’s a good start !

[SIMON] I was pretty impressed with that yeah, what can I do with that ?

[NIKI] Well, with the lentils you can make a Dal errm… yeah lentil dal is really filling as well, erm with the other stuff, you make soups and things like that which are obviously good for lunches…erm and you will find that the more you experiment, erm there is a misconception that you know veggies just eat salad and lentils and nuts and stuff like that, but actually you know once you go on that journey, you find there’s a whole host of things… and err personally I find that you experiment more, errm you know because there’s this kind of, you find that you want things to be more interesting.

[SIMON] That’s right, because it’s not all mushroom risotto is it…and you know, nut roasts and I tell you – and I can tell that because the smell that’s assaulting my nostrils is beautiful that we’ve got here that producer Lou’s brought in and you have made me, well it’s err, erm a curry – clearly by the smell isn’t it ?

[NIKI] Yeah it is I made it for you last night. (laughs)

[SIMON] You’re an angel I’m actually quite hungry as well so… What’s in this then ?

[NIKI] Well in erm…the spices are all blended by myself I don’t any curry powder or anything like that… put individual spices in…

[SIMON] It must have taken you ages.

[NIKI] Not at all you just throw them in, and erm.. the base of it… erm basically is.. I put in the like a faux, faux meat in there which is like a pretend beef really.

[SIMON] Is that Quorn ?

[NIKI] No no it’s actually err… a soya based one… and the reason for that is I just wanted to let you have a taste of something that was kind of a pretend meat, just to give you the experience and also there’s chick peas in there… erm thrown in there for good measure… and tomatoes…

[SIMON] What I would say about that having tasted it is because the, spices are so strong and it’s so…err sort of flavoursome – you don’t really notice it’s not meat, if you know what I mean it’s just texturally the same isn’t it ?

[NIKI] Yeah.

[SIMON] So you don’t really notice and you get away with it.

[NIKI] That’s it a lot of my friends who come to dinner at mine I obviously always cook erm, vegan, and err they say like anything I cook they’re like wow… if you make the flavours good, you don’t need the meat.

[SIMON] That’s right there’s a few, what are they chick peas ?

[NIKI] Err yeah, yeah.

[SIMON] and… *ahem* wow… that is quite hot !

[NIKI] Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

[SIMON] What is the spice in this ? Is it cayenne or something like that ?

[NIKI] Erm… there’s chilli in there, there’s egg al masala, there’s cumin.. err there’s ginger, there’s garlic… Erm yeah I have been known to be a bit…

[SIMON] I like it spicy I do like it spicy…. The next hour of the show could be a bit risky though err… So what’s the difference your… if you could explain the difference again between vagan and vegetarian ?

[NIKI] Ok, yeah vegetarians don’t eat meat, erm tend to stay away from slaugherhouse by-products like geletin and stuff like that, they don’t eat fish. A vegan it’s a little bit more it’s a lifestyle thing so it’s basically everything – nothing derived from an animal, erm which includes things like also what you wear… erm your make up, the things that you drink stuff like that.

[SIMON] You know most people haven’t got time, Ray, have they, to run around supermarkets checking the back of packets to make sure there’s nothing in there thats… not compatible.

[RAY] Yeah but things are getting better, erm and you know.. it really was hard slog, at one time. It is getting better… – Going back to what you were saying about preparing food though even, I mean… people seem to… we live in a very fast society, but we do need to slow down and start thinking about our food and spend more time actually cooking it, and eating it with our friends and family. At the end of the day what we put in our bodies, reflects on our health. So we should spend more time and that is the trick really, that is the trick. We need to do that.

[SIMON] Well that’s delicious and in the news I will, consume more of that it’s absolutely Niki thanks for doing that for us.

[NIKI] You’re welcome.

[SIMON] And you’ve brought me some recipe cards to get me going.

[NIKI] Yeah we’ve actually brought you, not only recipe cards we’ve brought you a bumper starter pack and a bag of goodies as well, to take home.

[SIMON] The thing that, the thing that I’m going to struggle with the most is it’s such a cliche now is the bacon butty Saturday morning, you know that’s such a huge treat that.

[NIKI] Well…

[RAY] You can get, you can get mock. bacon erm…

[SIMON] Does it smell the same ?

[RAY/NIKI] Mmmm.. aher…not quite…

[SIMON] That’ll be the last thing I kick, you know that’ll be the bit where I’ll have to go cold turkey.

[RAY] Well Simon I can tell you that was me.

[SIMON] Yeah ? Same thing ?

[RAY] I was yeah you will crave it, you will crave it because at the end of the day you are used to having this food for a long time, err comparatively and err you will crave it, but that craving does go and you replace it with such flavours as you’ve just tasted there.

[SIMON] There’s a vote I’m going to give it a go two meals a week is what I’m going to aim for first of all… Thanks alot for your recipes and it’s scouseveg dot co dot uk right ?

[NIKI] Yep. Thank you very much.

[SIMON] Niki O’Leary and err… Dad Ray. Thanks a lot for that. It was delicious.

[RAY] Enjoy.

[SIMON] Everyone at home is jealous at home. Thanks for that.


All We Are Saying… Is Give Peas A Chance…

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Alright…stop throwing those peas, you’ll need them for a recipe…


I was browsing the messages on the ScouseVeg Mailing/Discussion list [sign up here] when I saw a forwarded newsletter from the Peas website. Yes there is a website. Yes they have a newsletter. I myself love mushy peas but was also interested on what else you could do with the humble pea.

On the pea website they have a big selection of vegetarian pea recipes and I’ve chosen one which you could make for – if you are having one – a New Years Eve party:

Pea Guacamole

Pea Guacamole
Time taken: 10 mins/Serves: 4


  • 450g/1lb bag frozen peas
  • 1 small onion, grated
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 red chilli, deseeded and chopped
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 2 tbsp coriander, chopped
  • salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • tabasco


Cook peas for 3-4 minutes in lightly salted boiling water or until tender. Drain and allow to cool slightly. Put the peas into a food processor with all the remaining ingredients (apart from a sprinkling of the chopped chilli). Pulse until mixture is crushed but not completely smooth.

Season with salt, freshly ground black pepper and a few drops of Tabasco as required. For a spicier Guacamole add more Tabasco. Transfer to a serving bowl and garnish with the remaining chopped chilli. Ideal as a dip or to serve as a starter with blinis and vegan sour cream.

This recipe ©

The Antipoet and RRRants

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As well as all the exhibitors and stalls at the recent Incredible Veggie Roadshow in Liverpool there were live performances from The Antipoet who is responsible for RRRants:

Rhythmical Raving and Rants

About RRRants:

“RRRANTS is a non profit making organisation that has been designed to help promote original and unusual poets, storytellers and songwriters; helping them to reach a wider audience through live performance, broadcast and publication as part of a mutual collective. All of our artistes are fully independent, but working together to raise money with which we buy independent, non curriculum poetry books which we then donate to in order to inspire the next generation to read, write and perform.

The RRRANTS Collective is a NON COMPETITIVE organisation. We do not slam. We do not offer prizes. We treat everybody whom we invite to grace our stages and our pages as an equal. We are always searching for new voices. “

They’ve had a few notable names performing under their banner including Attila The Stockbroker and Ed Tudor Pole.

– Below is a randomly selected video from their YouTube channel and this is The Antipoet with ‘Help me I’ve been kidnapped’:

– Another one, this time from Philfy Phil:

Read more about the The Antipoet and RRRants work at:

Latest on Sir Macca…

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Sir Paul

This from ContactMusic:

Politician Demands McCartney Apologise For Bush Gag

An Amercian politician is demanding that Sir Paul McCartney publicly apologise for a joke he made at former President George W Bush’s expense during an appearance at the White House on Wednesday (02Jun10).

Republican John Boehner was not amused when the former Beatle poked fun at the ex-leader’s intellect as he became the first non-American to collect the Gershwin Prize for Popular Song from Bush’s successor, President Barack Obama.

MCCartney said: “After the last eight years, it’s great to have a president who knows where the library is.”

» Link to article

This from Ecorazzi:

Hard Rock Café London To Feature Meat Free Mondays Inspired By Paul McCartney

In honor of Paul McCartney’s Meat Free Monday campaign, the Hard Rock Café London will feature a meatless meal every Monday throughout the year at the original location on Old Park Lane. The three-course vegetarian meal will include the Linda McCartney Vegetarian Burger, Wild Mushroom Soup, Grilled Eggplant Lasagna, and a variety of healthy drinks.

The new menu option corresponds with McCartney’s UK tour and headline event at the Hard Rock Calling festival on June 27 in London’s Hyde Park.

» Link to article

Via the Beeb:

Sir Paul McCartney backs ‘green’ Isle of Wight Festival

Sir Paul McCartney has lent his support to reducing the carbon footprint of this year’s Isle of Wight Festival, where he is the headline act.

The ninth festival to take place on the island since its return from its 1970 heyday gets under way on Thursday.

The annual event was restarted at Seaclose Park in Newport in 2002 and is one of the UK’s largest festivals.

Organisers want to make the event as “green” as possible after winning the Greener Festival Award last year.

‘Let It Be’
Generators will partly run on bio-diesel, solar power will be used, while rangers have set up a wildlife and bee haven near the site using funds from festival-goers.

The “Let It Be” campaign is named after one of Sir Paul’s Beatles songs and aims to help dwindling bee populations.

One of the country’s rarest trees, the black poplar, will be reintroduced to the island at the haven and wild flowers are also being planted.

Sir Paul said: “I’m glad that winning the Greener Festival Award last year has helped to encourage them to take further action in 2010.

“It is fantastic for artists like myself to see festival organisers investing in ways to reduce their C02 emissions and taking responsibility for the environment.

“Not only will this approach encourage others in the music industry to look at best-practice but it will also highlight to audiences that times are changing and we all have to do our bit at events such as these as well as at home.”

» Link to article


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vegan psicotik sound

Back in October last year the good people at vegan psicotik sound emailed to tell us about vegan (music) podcasts that they do. I loved this, right down our street this is and I told them that I’ll get something posted.

And then I promptly forgot.

But luckily in the middle of December they contacted me again to see how things were and I immediately remembered that I forgot and promised that I give them a shout out.

But I didn’t forget again. The festive season approached plus the fact that I must hold a record for being the… slowest…at…updating anything. But now finally. Finger is pulled out.

So who or what is the “vegan*psicótik*sound*system” ?

Actually I don’t really know myself. It is a podcast of ambient, transcendent, laid-back vegan friendly tunes. Something that you will (and I know Niki will !) groove and relax to…

Have a listen to their pod below:

Download the episode (46 mins)

Find out more by going to: