There are Scouse veggie/vegan bloggers out there. We like to highlight them here and encourage you to visit.
This featured raw vegan blogger doesn’t just blog, she posts vlogs as well. A vlog is a video blog and Jennifer, who runs Braless and Bananas has created quite a number of them. These vlogs are very professionally produced and worth a watch. They are posted on her blog and via her YouTube channel.
I have been a raw vegan since February 2014 and this has changed my life considerably. My main aim in life is to travel all over the world and keep going until I finally decide to settle down.
We’ve just missed her taking a trip to Thailand, she’s back home now but you can catch up on her videos via the above links.
– Last year Jennifer did a video Q & A about being raw vegan:
Additionally: Just recently Jennifer posted a vlog where she talks about dropping her Scouse accent ! Should have to hand in her scouse membership for that but we’ll forgive her.