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Save Me By Saying Bollocks

Save Me - How will you vote ?

Bollocks to Blood Sports!

30TH April 2010

Sharon Osbourne, Peter Kay, Al Murray and a host of other celebrities have joined Queen guitarist, Brian May, to say ‘Bollocks to the Economy’ in a bid to force the issue of fox-hunting and blood sports onto the political agenda in the run-up to next week’s election.

The wide range of celebs – from the world of TV, music and comedy – have all played a part in the tongue-in-cheek video that pokes fun at the three Party leaders’ failure to get to grips with the economy and calls on the public to use their vote to support the fox-hunting ban.

‘Bollocks to the Economy’ – available to view now on Youtube [below] – forms part of Brian May’s ‘Save Me’ campaign to prevent the return of legalised blood sports in the British countryside.

Brian May said: “This video is meant to be fun, but of course there is a very serious message behind it. If the Conservatives are elected to power, fox-hunting, hare coursing and stag hunting will soon again be legal. These barbaric blood sports have no place in today’s society, and the Save Me campaign urges everyone to make their vote count – for our native animals. Save Me says – For God’s sake, don’t give David Cameron the power to bring back this cruelty.”



Stop the Tories from starting the hunt again

Additional – via The Guardian:

Hunting ban should be repealed early in Conservative government, says Tory MP

“Tory credibility would be shot to pieces if party does not fulfil bloodsports pledge quickly, Daniel Kawczynski claims in video”

The ban on bloodsports should be repealed in the early months of an incoming Conservative government, according to a Tory MP featured in a pro-hunting video.

The comments by the Conservative candidate for Shrewsbury and Atcham, Daniel Kawczynski, suggest the issue should be given greater priority than is official party policy.

His remarks, made in a video for the pro-hunting group Vote OK, have emerged as the organisation mobilises thousands of supporters to deliver leaflets backing MPs who favour the return of hunting wild mammals with dogs.

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