Time to bake some muffins people:
Hi, this is Gary Loewenthal from Compassion for Animals, a Washington, DC-area grassroots animal advocacy group (www.compassion4animals.org – perpetually under construction). I wanted to invite you to participate in the second annual Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale, April 24 through May 2, 2010 (www.veganbakesale.org).
The idea is simple: Groups across the globe hold vegan bake sales during that period. Participating groups can do whatever they want with the proceeds. Compassion for Animals is coordinating global publicity for the event, and will leverage the event to get positive mainstream press about all the bake sales and about the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of a plant-based diet.
In 2009, a hundred groups on four continents participated, raising the equivalent of over 25,000 euros for river cleanups, cancer patients, animal shelters, farm sanctuaries – you name it. They also introduced thousands of people to the deliciousness amd diversity of vegan baked goods. And had a lot of fun! 2009 highights are HERE. We hope to double the number of participants and money raised this year.
We’re very appreciative of ScouseVeg promoting the event last year; undoubtedly that was one of the reasons for such awesome UK representation.
You may be able to get funding for your bake sale! Details are here: http://www.veganbakesale.org/veganbakesale/vbs-funding.html
If you’re seriously interested in getting a bake sale together but need more volunteers, consider checking out the Post Punk Kitchen (PPK) Forum, specifically this section: http://www.postpunkkitchen.com/forum/viewforum.php?id=25. Some bake sales were formed last year as a result of PPK collaborations.
There’s much more information at www.veganbakesale.org. The sign-up form CAN BE FOUND HERE. For questions, or to sign up if you hate forms, please contact info@veganbakesale.org. We’re also on Facebook, and on twitter as wwveganbakesale.
We hope that this is an exciting and fulfilling way to raise funds and to be part of something bigger which could help the earth, animals, and humans.