
Vegan Life Magazine | May 2015

Due to moving house and not having internet for about two weeks, I’m soooo behind with everything… but I’m catching up, I promise! For this reason, my post about May’s Vegan Life Magazine is going live after the next issue is already available in shops… sorry! Keep an eye out for the June feature here soon!

May’s issue of Vegan Life Magazine was, as usual, a well-rounded publication and there were tonnes of interesting articles and delicious recipes, mainly focussed on strawberries and sandwiches. Given my current situation, however, the article I was most interested in was all about vegan pregnancy. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been struggling to stick to my usual 100% vegan diet during pregnancy. This isn’t because it’s missing any vital nutrients, but because I’ve just felt so awful the whole time and have been giving in to whims and cravings in a bid to make myself feel better (spoiler: doesn’t work). I therefore really enjoyed reading about how another mum-to-be have managed her diet and took away some solid advice which I’ve been incorporating into my day-to-day life. The most important thing is to plan, plan, plan! During my first trimester, this advice would have been of no use at all, since I was so ill that I could barely drag myself to the toilet in time to throw up, let alone plan and prepare meals. However, this approach has been working a lot better during my second trimester and I’m steadily getting back on track. If I’m honest, I had hoped that the feature would be a little longer than the two-page spread, as there is so much to say and discuss, but maybe it will make another appearance in an upcoming issue!

Did you read May’s Vegan Life Magazine? What did you think?


Disclaimer: I am a member of Vegan Life Magazine’s blogging community and receive the digital edition for free. I subscribe to the paper edition with my own money, because that’s how I prefer to read it.

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